Monday, September 2, 2013

A Course of Action

As Professor Sexson went from story to story and myth to myth, one small phrase really stood out to me, immediately capturing my focus. Professor quickly muttered, "If you are genuinely committed to a course of action, miraculous things will happen, and all of a sudden the world and its little helpers will conspire to help you." I thought to myself, little helpers? What on earth is this crazy old professor rambling about? Although a little on the pessimistic side, at least my thought process was fully in tune with his lecture at this point. As I continued to listen, Professor Sexsons words started piecing together and piece by piece I began exploring deeper and deeper into my life... my story.
  Being a sports enthusiast, immediately my brainstorming on the topic of "life's little helpers" directly related itself to football. Are the professors words really true I thought, If someone wholeheartedly committed to a goal, a "course of action," would the world really conspire to help them? So if I wanted to be the greatest quarterback to ever come out of a FCS program, all I need is a genuine commitment to that course of action? Sounds too easy for such an astronomical goal, a relatively impossible feat to accomplish. But what does it mean to truly genuinely commit to a course of action, what does that even look like? Have I ever even witnessed or heard of something on the lines of wholehearted commitment? After really pooling thought into the phrase "genuine commitment" I realized its not something easily done. To let yourself be fully consumed by a course of action is easier said than done, and I have first hand experience with that. Can I genuinely commit myself to my goals and aspirations? I believe I can, and I believe the world is slowly conspiring alongside me as I become more and more emerged in the dreams that I am chasing. The course of action has been set, but will my heart set as well? Only time will tell if these words are the first steps to a miraculous story defining my life, or just myths that once danced in my imagination before turning into "what if.." and "once upon a time" stories for my future.

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